Operation Mission Insight
Educating, Empowering, & Encouraging the understanding of Military Culture!
Educating, Empowering, & Encouraging the understanding of Military Culture!
Your support is greatly appreciated! Your generosity will help us get started and lay the foundation of our mission to Educate, Empower, and Encourage the understanding of military culture within communities. As well as, empower military families in dire need! Thank you!
Operation Mission Insight is dedicated to assisting businesses, educators, and other organizations within communities to help gain an understanding of military culture. Through personalized consulting services, Operation Mission Insight will assist organizations to develop and implement support programs tailored to meet the needs of their military clientele.
To Educate, Empower, and Encourage the understanding of military culture!
Our Vision
Our Military Families are living within communities that Embrace their strengths and seek to understand their challenges!
"As a military caregiver, transitioning back into the workforce is intimidating. Thank you, Geri, for helping me find a company that appreciates my skills and knowledge as a military caregiver. I would not have been able to both continue on my career path and still provide the care my veteran needs without your help. Operation Mission Insight helped me turn my passion into my profession. Thank you!" - Hols Fischer, Post 9/11 Military Caregiver
Educating Schools on the Uniqueness of Military-Connected Students.
Assistance in the development of military recruitment programs. Veterans, spouses, and military caregivers.
Guidance in the development of supportive programs for their military connected employees.
Guidance in the development of military supportive programs. Aid in the identification of military clientele, and implementation of new policies, and procedures.
Aid the development of Military Programs. Recruitment, supportive programs, and career readiness programs for veteran, spouses, and military caregivers.
Provide Guidance and understanding to help identify the unique needs of military-connected students. Aid in the development of academic, social, and developmental supportive programs.
Courses designed to help understand Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury.
Courses are available and Tailored for:
Businesses & Corporations
ThanksUSA's Spring Newsletter Featuring an Interview with #TeamOMI's President, Geri Lynn
Visit the ThanksUSA Blog to read Geri Lynn's Newest article: A Caregiver's Song
As the founder of Operation Mission Insight, Geri Lynn's mission is geared toward providing a view into military culture both during and after service. In an effort to share her story, Geri Lynn has published two articles with Military Spouse Magazine.
Below are the links to each of the articles:
With these Vows I Thee Become a Military Caregiver
Married But Living the Role of a Single Mother
Copyright © 2018 Operation Mission Insight - All Rights Reserved.
OMI, a Non for Profit 501(c)3 EIN # 83-1213121